Address : | B-26 , Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi | Telephone : | 26111919, 26111415 | Fax : | 26111818 | Business Visa : | 2 Forms 2 Photos Covering letter Bank statement of last 3 months. IT return of last 2 years. Exchange Return Ticket Registration Certificate of both the Company (Indian as well as Lebanisis Company) along with company profile Invitation to be faxed in Embassy from Lebanon and one copy to us. Invitation should be addressed to Mr. Elias Nicholas, the visa officer, Embassy of Lebanon and mention all Passport details of pax Letter from Chambers of Commerce(For both the companies). Hotel Confirmation from the Hotel In Lebanon to be faxed to the Embassy in Delhi directly and copy to us. Letter from the highest authority of the company specifying the name & designation of the pax.
Business declaration is must. Matter available with us. | Fees : | Rs. 1500/- for Single entry Rs. 3000/- for Multiple entry by draft in our favour with documents. | Processing Time : | 7 working days |